




E-shop https://victoria-kyriakides.myshopify.com belongs to the Company named “VICTORIA KYRIAKIDI PRIVATE COMPANY”, with registered offices in the Municipality of Athens Attica Greece, 14, Patriarchou Ioakeim Str., P.C. 10675, taxpayer identification number (TIN) 800824980, under General Electronic Commercial Registry (GEMI) number 142215201000 (member of Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Tel: +302103622114, e-mail: info@victoriakyriakides.com. Our Company carries on distance marketing of goods and services via its e-shop https://victoria-kyriakides.myshopify.com, complying with the provisions of Law 2251/1994, Ministerial Order 5338/2018 (Official Government Gazette Issue B 40/17-01-2018), and the relevant applicable law.

These terms of use apply to users / customers of VictoriaKyriakides. Therefore, the words "you", "your" and generally the use of the second plural form refers to users / customers. The use of the term “users” may also apply to customers. The use of first plural form refers to the Company's actions.

VictoriaKyriakides is hosted on Shopify Inc. Shopify provides us with an online e-commerce platform which allows us to sell the Products to you.

Our e-shop retails women’s and kids’ clothes, shoes and accessories. Users may also access the E-shop from the Company's website www.victoriakyriakides.com (or www.victoriakyriakides.gr).



  • E-shop or Website: The website https://victoria-kyriakides.myshopify.com.
  • VictoriaKyriakides: The e-shop https://victoria-kyriakides.myshopify.com.
  • User: Anyone who access or browses the Website.
  • Customer: The User who orders / buys a Product of the E-shop.
  • Consumer: Any natural person who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business, craft or profession.
  • Products: The products that the Company retails through the E-shop.




The online Products list on the Website constitutes an invitation to the user to submit a proposal of buying the Products. The customer who orders Products through the website, proposes to the Company an agreement on the sale of the Products. The terms on which the agreement (contract) will be concluded, if the Company accepts the proposal, are the terms of transaction, as supplemented by the applicable National and European law.

Your agreement with the Company shall be deemed made only when you receive an e-mail of “order confirmation” from our company, upon checking availability of products and correctness of order, and shall be terminated upon full payment of the order made and delivery of products. If you pay your order until you receive your “order confirmation” e-mail, your money will be taken as a financial guarantee for the execution of the agreement (contract) and will be refunded immediately if your order is not confirmed.

The Company maintains full possession of its ordered products until full payment by the customer of their price as well as of the cost of delivery.

Our Company shall be required to deliver the ordered products with specifications agreed upon and with no defects.




Access to and use of this website and its services by any user, is regulated by the Terms herein.

Any user, customer and/or of the E-shop (hereinafter referred to as “customer or user”), before access to, browsing and any kind of use of this website (such us: e-ordering, browsing, searching, logging in, sending, saving information, transacting), clearly, explicitly and unreservedly states that he/or she fully accepts the Terms of website use and operation (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms”), as well as any other term that fulfils the requirements of law and may be inside this website, beyond this text, such as in the following areas: Ways of Ordering, Payment Methods, Shipping Methods, Return Policy, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy. The Terms herein, together with the terms appearing in areas “Ways of Ordering, Payment Methods, Shipping Methods, Return Policy”, constitute the terms of transaction with VictoriaKyriakides. Transaction terms are an integral part of distance agreements on selling products and providing services via VictoriaKyriakides. What applies for the Terms also applies for any other term that fulfils the requirements of law and may be inside this website, beyond this text. Your unreserved accepting of the above terms is required for accessing and using this website. Acceptance of the terms is indisputably presumed so long as said terms appear in a conspicuous place, and access to them is indicated and facilitated by suitable – in accordance with honest practices – means. The terms included in this website, which have been previously set forth for future agreements (general transaction terms), bind the customer, provided they fulfil the requirements of law, to wit, our e-shop has indicated their existence and enable the customer to familiarize with their content. Transacting with the e-shop VictoriaKyriakides automatically constitutes unreserved acceptance of the transaction terms in general. Please, read the following Terms as well as the other as above terms carefully before you proceed to any action, interaction, access, transaction or use of this website, and comply therewith.

The Company retains the right to modify the terms of this website use and operation as well as the general terms of transaction with the e-shop at its free will and unilaterally, as provided by law. Posting any new term, or any modification or annulment of any existing term on this website alone is enough to put it in effect, with reservation of any orders already confirmed by the Company. Users must check from time to time whether any of the Terms herein have been modified. Posting terms on this webpage and on any other spot of the website alone fulfils the requirements for notification of users for any modifications to the Terms. Use of this website and the services provided therein presupposes and confirms that the user accepts the preexisting terms, as they apply, with the above indicatively described modifications, interventions and annulments effected by the Company. In the event any of the terms (of website use-operation and transactions) is deemed invalid, the rest of the terms remain in full effect. In case you disagree with the content of the terms (of website use-operation and transactions), you are required to refrain from any action, interaction, access, transaction or use of this website.

The Company retains the right to modify, suspend, discontinue the operation of this Website and/or the services provided therein due to maintenance, improvement etc, at any time and with no prior notice, without prejudice to any rights users and third parties may have under the law or any agreement made with the Company. The Company not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the operation of the Website.

Users and customers must respect the provisions of Civil Code, which regulate the capacity for legal acts and the general validity of legal acts. In particular, the use of services provided in VictoriaKyriakides and valid agreements made with our e-shop require the contracting persons’ full capacity to perform legal acts. Therefore, consumers of our products and services may make legal agreements with the Company as along as they are adults, to wit, they have reached the age of eighteen and are not under full or partial judicial support. Otherwise, the legal act’s invalidity is absolute and the same is considered as not to have been performed. Invalidity of part of the legal act entails invalidity of the entire legal act if inferred that it would not have been performed without the invalid part. Consumers making agreements with our e-shop VictoriaKyriakides, have any and all rights and obligations provided by articles 513 and following ones of Greek Civil Code. Users are required to abstain from any acts of slandering of the e-shop, the sole purpose of which is to discredit the same.

By accepting the Terms, consumers of this website are required – at making any kind of agreement with our e-shop – to provide full and accurate personal details required for making a valid agreement with the e-shop.

Customers must without fail provide a valid e-mail, to which they have access when ordering products. An agreement with our e-shop may be made either in Greek or in English.

All terms (of website use-operation and transactions) are essential. Any breach of terms by a user incurs penalties provided by the applicable law and the user’s obligation to remedy any direct and incidental damage the Company or any third party may suffer from the user’s illegal and adverse to the law and/or these terms conduct. In case of any breach of the terms herein, the Company may bar the user from accessing the website https://victoria-kyriakides.myshopify.com and services provided therein, delete any information posted in this website by the user with no prior notice, and exercise all rights provided by the law. The Company’s failure to exercise the rights it has under the terms herein or under the law does not imply that it waives said rights.

Our Company’s posting of the terms (of website use-operation and transactions) and their content may not establish any liability of the Company further than the one provided by the law. The headings used in these Terms are included for convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect the real meaning of the Terms.

Access to VictoriaKyriakides by a user with a certain IP is an indisputable presumption that said user is the individual or legal entity who owns the terminal equipment connected online with VictoriaKyriakides via that certain IP.

Beyond the liability and obligations users of this website have, described in all terms of use, operation, payment etc, users further have the following obligations:

Users are required to act in compliance with the Greek law, including any generally accepted rules of International Law as well as of International Agreements, which from the moment they are ratified by law and put in effect pursuant to the terms of each of them, are an integral part of the domestic Greek law and supersede any contrary provision of Greek Law, to respect and abide by any law of the European or International Law applicable in using this website and the aforementioned services, and to exercise their rights within the limits set by good faith, morality and social and financial purposes of their rights.

Users are required not to use this website, offered services, order/contact forms or any other means of expression through this website or accounts of e-shop VictoriaKyriakides in social media, such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Google Maps etc. for the purpose of posting, disclosing, spreading information, data and generally any illegal, unfair, undue, slandering and/or false, threatening, deceitful, coercive, abusive, provocative, insulting, obscene, vulgar, sulfurous, pornographic, racist content. Posted content is also prohibited to urge people to commit crimes, to be the same or its disclosure via this website a punishable act, to make discriminations, to breach any kind of confidentiality, to violate constitutional rights and to be adverse to the law in general. Besides, users must not post, according to the aforementioned, commercials in any form and of any content, contests, third parties’ personal data, either ordinary or special, confidential information about the Company or its associates, spam messages, chain letters, unlicensed or other malicious software, works protected by the law of Copyright and Industrial Property.

Users must not use VictoriaKyriakides for illegal and unfair purposes, for promoting illegal services or products. Furthermore, users are liable for any damage incurred to the Company or third parties by such use of VictoriaKyriakides.

Users and any other individual or legal entity must not use software for intercepting users’ and customer’s data kept by the Company and not save or process data – operation data among others – for advertising or other purposes.

E-shop users are strictly prohibited to interfere in the form, operation, services, content, data bases and any other information that constitute this website, by using any mechanism, software, either malicious or not, process, either electronic or not, by sending harmful files such as viruses, spam messages, which may affect, harm, suspend, terminate and, generally, obstruct this website’s smooth operation or users to log in, access and use the same, and endanger the provision of services offered thereby. The Company reserves the right to pursue recovery of any damages incurred thereto by misconducts as the aforementioned and any liable party’s prosecution.

This website’s users are further recommended to have an acceptable and modest attitude when interacting and communicating with other users therein, to respect each other and the website’s managers, and not to behave adversely to Netiquette. Abiding by the above rules contributes to the Internet’s smooth operation.

For any question, necessary clarification, any issues associated with the e-shop’s use and operation and with the terms (of website use-operation and transactions), as well as for any information about services provided by VictoriaKyriakides and any other related matter, you may contact our e-shop at tel. no: +302103622114 / e-mail: info@victoriakyriakides.com.

The Company’s expertise staff shall stand by you at any moment, both before and after delivery of our products, being ready to solve any problem and answer any question you may have.

At tel. no: +302103622114 / e-mail: info@victoriakyriakides.com, you can report any complaint or problem you may have regarding the services we provide. Please, contact the e-shop in case any of our products need to be repaired or replaced.




The Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred to the counterparty or third party by the counterparty’s misconduct, provided the Company fulfills its own obligations. Third parties who are objectively responsible, those who exercise children’s parental care of custody, judicial supporters and minor children’s guardians, including but not limited to, as well as any third parties who are bound by law or by an agreement made with our e-shop, are not exempted from the obligation to repay and perhaps reimburse the e-shop solely due to the fact that the person directly contracted with our e-shop acted unlawfully or without their consent, authorization or approval. The Company is not obliged to know whether any information provided by a user is true or not, considering the personal data provider as the real subject thereof. In an agreement made with the Company, the counterparty’s use of the selection which provides payment of an order by a credit card (or other electronic means of payment) and subsequent provision of personal details of the credit card’s legal owner, binds the credit card’s legal owner, regardless of the person who uses said credit card and gives the required information, therefore, it is indisputably presumed that the legal owner consents to his credit card being charged with the sale price. Any credit card or other electronic means of payment used illegally or without its legal owner’s consent for making an agreement with our e-shop does not relieve its legal owner from any obligations arising from such agreement nor from any claims our Company may have for reimbursement due to an illegal act or omission performed by the credit card’s user.

Our Company is solely liable for any information provided to this website by the Company itself, provided it is required and able – pursuant to the provisions of law – to know whether such information is accurate and lawful, without prejudice to any printing errors or minor similar omissions. The Company checks profoundly the information it provides to users of this website. According to the provision of applicable law related with issues of liability on part of providers of services of information society, our Company is exempted from any liability as to any content posted in this website by third parties.

Our Company shall not be liable for any shortage of products by reason of force majeure, weather phenomena, fire, suppliers’ strikes, third parties misconduct and, generally, by any reason beyond the Company’s control.

Our Company shall not be liable for any temporary or permanent failure to provide its services as well as for any delay in accepting and executing orders and delivering the ordered products by reasons beyond its control, such as force majeure, severe weather phenomena, natural disasters, states of emergency, strikes, fire, malfunction of collaborating courier companies, accidental deterioration or destruction of products before delivery to users and after having been consigned, the counterparty’s or third party’s illegal interventions, malfunction of the provider of Online Payment Processing (Bank) or the Host Provider or ISP or Access Provider or the user’s terminal equipment, for incorrect provision of information on the user’s part and, generally, for any incident that obstruct the Company to fulfill its contractual obligations. The Company’s liability is limited to the obligations it assumes under any agreement made with a consumer, and it shall make any possible effort to meet said obligations within reasonable time.

The Company shall not be liable for the bad condition of any products delivered, so long as such bad condition is not caused by the Company’s inefficient storing and all required precautionary measures have been taken by the Company.

Our Company shall not be liable for any side effects and damage caused by products wrongly ordered or carelessly used by the user, or due to producer/manufacturer’s liability (provided it is other than the Company), such as error during production/manufacturing, insufficient information or directions that go with the products, quality of production, safety of materials and real defects.

In case of a defective product, the Company’s liability shall be limited to replacing such product, as long as the requirements of law are fulfilled and the Company’s return policy is followed.

Our Company declares that it profoundly checks the security level of services it provides electronically, using programs against viruses and malicious software. During browsing this website, users are recommended to use software for protection from computer viruses, Trojan horses, time bombs etc. Our Company shall not be liable for any damages to the user’s hardware, software and data, as well as for any other damage incurred to users or third parties by the aforementioned risks.

The Company profoundly checks all information that it provides to its users, as required by law. However, we cannon exclude human errors, malfunction of the company’s network or computer systems that may affect proper provision of information to consumers about prices of products, availability or characteristics thereof. We advise users of the Website, in the event they notice any wrong information (e.g. unusually high or low price of a product), before they make any order, to contact the Company at tel. no: +302103622114 / e-mail: info@victoriakyriakides.com, so that such error be immediately corrected, clarification be given about the price and characteristics of said product and our services be more effectively provided to consumers. The Company reserves the right not to execute any order – even a conformed one – if the characteristics (price, specifications) of the products ordered are not the ones listed in the Company’s price lists, in other words it’s a case of wrong entry.

Our Company shall not be liable for the content of websites to which our users are referred by hyperlinks, frames etc. legally inserted in this website. Our Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred to users by their visiting such websites, as well as for any damage caused by risks appearing in online systems of Banks, entities advertised in this website or collaborating courier companies etc., even if users are referred to said websites by hyperlinks, banners etc. Liability for the content, information, users’ safety and protection of their personal data, and the quality of services provided is born solely by owners, managers and beneficiaries of said websites, which users visit at their own risk.

In any disputes arising from transactions made in e-shop VictoriaKyriakides, the law that applies – according to the e-shop’s turnover, place of permanent installation, operation and financial activity, as well as the country of origin, without prejudice to the exemptions of law for consumer protection and other criteria and discernments of law – is the Greek law, including any generally accepted rules of International Law as well as of International Agreements, which from the moment they are ratified by law and put in effect pursuant to the terms of each of them, are an integral part of the domestic Greek law and supersede any contrary provision of law (article 28, paragraph 1, Constitution 1975/1986/2001). The applicable law governs, among others, the relevant activity and the quality and content of services provided, specifications of products and any disputes arising from agreements or the law. Greek Courts and particularly Athens Courts have jurisdiction over the resolution of any disputes arising from agreements on provision of services and products to consumers by the Company.

In any dispute over the content of the Terms of Use and / or any mismatch between the Greek edition and its translations, the Greek edition, which expresses the true meaning of the Terms of Use, will prevail.

For any dispute arising from distance agreements made with our e-shop, you may resolve said dispute electronically. The aforementioned option to resolve a dispute out of court is given to consumers who reside within the European Union for both domestic and cross-border transactions. To activate this process, you go to the European Alternative Dispute Resolution Agent’s webpage: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EL. Electronic resolution of a dispute is undertaken to be carried out (within 90 days) by Independent Authority “Hellenic Consumers’ Ombudsman” (http://www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr/), certified by the European Commission as an accredited entity for out of court resolution of consumer disputes.

Before contacting the above Authority, please contact our e-shop at tel. no: +302103622114 / e-mail info@victoriakyriakides.com, so that we can guide you in following the proper processes according to the problem you have.

The Company is neither able nor obliged to check the validity, accuracy and soundness of information, personal or no personal data provided by users to the e-shop’s website. The Company reserves the right to remove immediately any information posted by a user, which breaches the Terms herein. The Company shall make no correction or intervention to data and information provided in any way to the Company by users, with no prior notice, except in the event of minor errors (printing errors etc). When posting any information in the Website, users/customers must respect the Terms herein, not to breach the law, not to post ads and hyperlinks. Users/customers are not allowed to post material and information, publication of which is against the law or it breaches third parties’ rights or it third parties’ copyright or it constitutes illegal personal data processing. The person liable for any illegal action performed by the user as well as for incidental obligation to reimburse those damaged by any kind of posting, action or omission is the user who is the owner of the terminal that is connected online with VictoriaKyriakides via a certain IP and acts illegally.

The Company is released from any liability for any damage incurred to users, obligation – either contractual or not – towards users, and from any direct or incidental claim filed by users, provided users breach this website’s use and operation terms, provide false, inaccurate and/or inefficient information and data, either required or not, develop misconduct when browsing this website, violate users’ rules for behavior, either legal or customary, fulfill any obligations they have by the law or under an agreement through actions or omissions. The Company deems that any user who enters personal data to the Website is the person whom said personal data refer to. The Company is neither able nor obliged to verify the identity of the person who enters said data; therefore, it bears no liability, and the user who entering said data is liable for any false and illegal entry both towards the Company and the person whom said personal data refer to (data subject). Users explicitly accept and acknowledge that they are solely liable for their actions and any incidental obligations to reimburse those damaged.

Voluntary entry of their personal data by users of e-shop VictoriaKyriakides shall entitle the Company to process said data in order to execute orders and duly provide the services required by users.

The Company shall deliver the ordered products to the collaborating courier companies for the purpose of being consigned to our customers. The Company shall provide to the collaborating courier companies the necessary information for effective delivery of ordered products, among other, the consignee-counterparty’s necessary details. By ordering products from e-shop VictoriaKyriakides, users give their unconditional consent to the Company to forward to the collaborating courier companies the aforementioned details required for delivering the products. The Company is released from any liability for any user’s or consignee’s or third party’s damage that may be incurred if the collaborating courier companies deliver the ordered products to any person other than the counterparty, provided said person resides, works or stays in the user’s house or workplace or any other place indicated by the Company’s counterparty as the place of delivery of ordered products. The respective liability lies with the user.




Clothes that our Company produces, and which appear at VictoriaKyriakides are creations of special aesthetic and artistic value and are protected under Intellectual and industrial Property Law and Unfair competition law.

The Company is constantly trying to display the colors and characteristics of the Products as accurately as possible, through the Website. The Company shall not be liable for the accuracy of the colors / characteristics that your computer monitor's display. We do not warrant that the quality of the Products will meet your expectations.

All descriptions of products or product pricing are subject to change at any time without notice, at the sole discretion of us.

Risk transfer: In agreements under which the Company consigns products to consumers, the risk of loss or damage of goods is transferred to consumers when they or any third parties appointed by them and are other than the currier appointed by the Company, acquire physical possession of said goods. However, the risk is transferred to consumers upon delivery to the currier if the currier is directed by consumers to receive and curry the goods from the Company to consumers, and such option has not been offered by the Company, without prejudice to consumers’ rights towards the currier.




Users must get informed on their account about requirements and specifications provided by the law of the country they reside or stay in, so that any products ordered from our e-shop follow a safe route from our shop to consignees/consumers. Consumers get informed about the necessary specifications by the proper Authorities of the country where the products are delivered.

In particular, products must fulfill certain customs requirements and restrictions in order to be imported to the country of destination, such as structure specifications, restrictions on kind, weight, dimensions, requirements for necessary supporting documents, manuals etc. Consumers are required to verify that any products they order form our e-shop fulfill said requirements.

Consumers may get informed about our products’ characteristics by contacting our e-shop. If they find out that any products do not fulfill the necessary requirements in order to be imported to the country of destination, they must not make any order, otherwise they shall be charged with any incurring expenses. In particular, consumers are charged with any cost incurring if the Authorities of the country of destination refuse to allow any product’s entrance in its territory, either it is a cost for the product’s consignment and return to our e-shop or a cost for storage and necessary handling, or for additional duties or for lawfully imposed fines due to the product’s non compliance with the legal requirements.




Works contained in the Website, in the form of text, image, drawing, photograph, graphics and logos, computer animation, software, data basis, music and audiovisual extracts, advertising pictures and slogans, which are protected by law 2121/1993 as well as by other National or International provisions of law, constitute the Company’s Copyright, without prejudice to Copyright held by other beneficiaries, protected under the relevant provisions of the Greek Law. Our Company maintains the Copyright of this website and any webpages that comprise it, which are independently protected as original works of conjectural design and applied arts, according to specific requirements of law, as well as, as collections of works. Copyright is primarily acquired without any formalities. Furthermore, the webpages of this website are also protected as data bases, provided they have the characteristics of data bases. The e-shop’s distinguishing features and distinctive title as well as the products’ distinguishing features e-shop VictoriaKyriakides has, are protected by the law that applies to trademarks.

Distinguishing features (from their use to their establishment in transactions), as well as the whole content of this website, are further protected under the provisions of unfair competition law. The domain name victoriakyriakides.gr has been lawfully assigned to the Company by the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT), which has – among other rights – the exclusive right to use it. Moreover, the Company forbids any third party to register an identical domain name. Our Company also forbids any third party to use – without the Company’s prior consent – exclusive alphanumeric features similar to the ones which form the Company’s Modifiable Field of Domain Name ending .gr (victoriakyriakides.gr) in order to compose the Modifiable Field of other Domain Name ending .gr of the same level of which the Non Modifiable Field of Domain Name of the Company. The Company also forbids any third party to use – without the Company’s prior consent – exclusive alphanumeric features similar to the ones which form the Modifiable Field of Domain Name ending .gr in order to compose the Modifiable Field of other Domain Name ending .gr of the same level of which the Non Modifiable Field is the same with the Non Modifiable Field of Domain Name of the Company. Domain Names victoriakyriakides.com and victoriakyriakides.co.uk have been duly registered by our Company, which has – among others – the exclusive right to use the same, and forbids any third party to register an identical domain name.

Recording and direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction of all works contained in this website, by any means and in any form, in whole or in part, as well as making of copies, either permanent or temporary are not allowed. Furthermore, all the following actions associated with said works are prohibited: reproduction by being downloaded and saved in the user’s computer, translation, adaptation, adjustment or other modifications, their distribution to the public in any form by being sold or by other means, lease and public loaning, public execution, broadcasting or re-broadcasting to the public through the radio or television, by electromagnetic waves or wires or other material conductors or by any other means, parallel to the surface of the earth or via satellites, presentation to the public wiredly or wirelessly or by any other means, import of copies produced abroad without the creator’s prior consent or, provided it is import from counties outside the European Community, if the right to import copies into Greece had been contractually retained by the creator. There is also forbidden any kind of deformation, abridgement or other modification of the aforementioned works, as well as any insult of the creator caused by the conditions of the work’s presentation. Appearance of the aforementioned works in VictoriaKyriakides does not mean any case whatsoever transfer or assignment of permission or right to use the same.

Especially, as to the data bases of this website, temporary or permanent reproduction of data bases, by any means and in any form, in whole or in part, translation, adjustment, arrangement or any other modification of data bases, any kind of distribution of data bases or their copies to the public, any disclosure, display or presentation of data bases to the public, any reproduction, distribution, disclosure, display or presentation of results of the data bases’ translation, adjustment, arrangement and modification to the public are forbidden.

The data bases of this website are further protected as a special right held by the data base maker under particular requirements and restrictions of law. There is forbidden any export and/or reuse of the whole or substantial part of the data bases’ content, evaluated either in terms of quality or quantity. “Export” means the permanent or temporary transfer of the whole or substantial part of the data bases’ content to another material agent, by any means or in any form. “Reuse” means any form of distribution of the whole or substantial part of the data bases’ content to the public, by distributing copies, leasing, direct broadcasting, or in other forms. There forbidden any repeated and systematic export and/or reuse minor parts of the data bases’ content, provided they entail the performance of actions contrary to the ordinary use of data bases or unjustifiably violate the data base maker’s legal interest.

Under the applicable law, this website’s content is protected from violation of Industrial Property, which belongs to the Company, without prejudice to the rights of other holders-agents.

Any deviation from the restrictions of this term, regarding this website’s Copyright protection, is allowed only upon consent given in writing by our Company or any copyright holder, or upon agreement made between our Company or a copyright holder and another agent or the user. Users are recommended to browse this website’s webpages and use the services it provides lawfully, respecting and abiding by the terms of this website’s use and operation as well as the applicable law, in such a way that it does not violate the Company’s Copyright in the website and its contents.

Making of hyperlinks, except ordinary hyperlinks for reference to the homepage of this website, is allowed only upon consent given by the Company or an agreement made with the Company. The Company’s consent is required for creating further hyperlinks, which refer people to site of this website, beyond the homepage, such as webpages of products in VictoriaKyriakides. Any maker of illegal hyperlinks shall be liable and punished under the provisions of laws 2121/1993, 146/1914 and 2251/1994, without prejudice to the provisions of the Greek and/or International Law, which additionally regulate such matters. In the same way, it is forbidden to make frames that do not fulfill the requirements of law and insert them without consent given in writing by the Company.

All hyperlinks included in this website, in any form, such as hyperlinks in the form of banners, hyperlinks for reference to webpages of collaborating courier companies, and hyperlinks for reference to safe applications of payment by credit cards, as well as frames, fulfill the requirements of law and are inserted upon consent given by owners-holders of reference websites.




Our e-shop’s website may include ads any form, such as banners, text links and frames. The Company respects the provisions of applicable law on consumer protection, and we act with professionalism, following

the codes of conduct which bind our business, having as motivation consumers’ full service through high technology services in a friendly and manageable environment. Having high standards of professional integrity, we abstain from misleading commercial practices. We provide our potential customer with all substantial details about our products, full advice on his/her rights as consumer, and full information about general and private terms of transaction, so that the customer makes a substantiated decision before entering into an agreement with our e-shop.




The Company in Consumer agreements / contracts (B2C) adheres the Consumer Code of Conduct for the E-Commerce (Official Government Gazette Issue B΄ 969 / 22.03.2017).


